No Home Internet Connectivity: Identifying the “Real” Problem

No Home Internet Connectivity: Identifying the “Real” Problem

You’re streaming your favorite TV show online on your computer. Everything is going great; no buffering.

You’re streaming your favorite TV show online on your computer. Everything is going great; no buffering. But then your internet suddenly starts acting wonky. First the spinning wheel, and then before you know it:

Disconnected internet; no home internet connectivity.

You refresh the page, hoping it might fix the issue, but nothing happens.

What to do now?

Should you call your internet service provider?

Definitely… but wait, not just yet!

The problem could very well be at your end. Most likely, that’s what your ISP will also ask you to check first.

So why even waste your time in a call queue?

A better approach would be to identify where the “real” problem lies. If it isn’t at your end, you can then go ahead and call your provider.

Aye, we know you’re no computer expert, but take our word, you can do it. We’ll help you do it; the easy way, step by step.

Step 1: Reboot everything

Okay, start with rebooting your modem and router. Often rebooting the internet peripherals solves the problem.

·         Unplug your modem and router. Wait for 60 seconds. Re-plug them.

Step 2: Check the connections

If your laptop/desktop is connected to the router via ethernet cable, ensure that the cable is sitting properly inside the port. For a wireless network, check that the wireless switch on your laptop is in the “On” position.

Step 3: Uninstall and reinstall adapter driver

Sometimes, the issue can be a corrupted adapter driver. Try uninstalling and reinstalling it to see if that fixes the issue.

·         Open the Control Panel. Double-click on Device Manager. Select Network Adapters. Uninstall the driver and then reinstall it again.

Step 4: Run the Network Troubleshooter

Next, run the Network Troubleshooter. It’s an automatic network troubleshooting wizard programmed into windows. 

·         Open the Control Panel. Double-click on Network and Sharing Center. Select Troubleshoot Problems. Follow the instructions.

Step 5: Ping the Adapter

In “Step 3” we checked that if the adapter driver was working fine. But what if the problem is the adapter itself and not the driver? What if your adapter has suddenly stopped working?

To test whether your adapter is functioning properly, you’ll have to “ping” it.

·         Click on the Windows Start button. Type “cmd” in the Search Box. A command line should appear.

·         In the command line (window), type “ping localhost”.

Executing the command should return you a reply from your adapter. If your adapter doesn’t respond, the problem is in your adapter; you need to replace it. If it replies, proceed to the next step.

Step 6: Test if your router is functioning properly

It could be that your router isn’t functioning properly, failing to generate a valid IP address. To make sure everything is in order, ping your router.

·         Open the command line. Type “ipconfig” and hit Enter. 

The Default Gateway should read as: 192.XXX.X.X.

If it starts with “169” or any other number, the problem is in your router.

Step 7: Ping the destination host

This is the final step in your diagnosis process. In this step, you’ll ping your destination host. It’lltest whether anything is wrong with your browser.

·         In the command line, type “ping” followed by any website address of your choice.This website will be your destination host. If your browser is working fine, you’ll receive a reply from your destination host.

No issues whatsoever?

Call your internet service provider

If your system managed to pass all these tests successfully, then the problem most certainly lies with your internet service provider. Call and ask them to fix it.

No internet connectivity – a persistent problem!

If you’re regularly facing internet issues with your internet service provider, we’d suggest you switch to a new service provider.

At KonectEaze, you can conveniently shop for an internet service provider. Simply enter your zip code into our portal, and we’ll return you with the complete list of internet providers operating in your area. You can then compare them and find the best internet deal for your home or office.

So start your internet service shopping today!