How to Effectively Manage Data for Your Viasat Internet Plan

How to Effectively Manage Data for Your Viasat Internet Plan

Internet usage has taken over our everyday lives. According to, the global mobile data traffic of 2018 alone was 19.01 exabytes per month! Experts even say that by 2022, it will rise up to 77.5 exabytes per month!

Mastering Data Management for Your Viasat Internet Plan

Mastering Data Management for Your Viasat Internet Plan


Viasat Internet offers robust internet solutions, particularly beneficial in rural areas. Managing your data effectively is crucial to maintain consistent internet speeds and avoid running out of data before your billing cycle ends. This guide will help you effectively manage your Viasat Internet plan.

Understanding Viasat's Data Policy

Viasat's plans typically include a data threshold, after which speeds may be reduced during network congestion. Understanding these policies is crucial for effective data management.

Strategies for Effective Data Management

1. Monitor Your Data Usage

  • Regular Checks: Utilize the Viasat customer portal to monitor your data usage regularly.
  • Set Alerts: Configure alerts to notify you as you approach your data limit.

2. Adjust Streaming Settings

  • Reduce Video Quality: Lower video quality settings in streaming apps to reduce data usage.
  • Limit Streaming on Mobile Devices: Set lower video quality for streaming on mobile devices connected to Viasat Wi-Fi.

3. Schedule High Data Activities

  • Off-Peak Hours: Take advantage of off-peak hours for data-intensive activities like downloads and updates.
  • Data-Saving Features: Use features like offline modes to download content during off-peak hours without impacting your data cap.

4. Optimize Web Browsing

  • Use Data-Saving Plugins: Install browser extensions that compress data.
  • Disable Auto-Playing Videos: Adjust browser settings to stop videos from playing automatically.

5. Manage Background Data

  • Control Background Apps: Check and close unnecessary apps or adjust settings to minimize background data usage.
  • Update Settings: Set devices to manual updates to control when large data use occurs, preferably during off-peak hours.

Internet usage has taken over our everyday lives. According to, the global mobile data traffic of 2018 alone was 19.01 exabytes per month! Experts even say that by 2022, it will rise up to 77.5 exabytes per month!

This can be quite intense, especially if you’re on Viasat’s incredible internet plans that offer unlimited data usage. However, even unlimited packages have some protocols that might require you to manage your data usage.

So how can you effectively manage data for your Viasat internet plan? Let’s find out!

Monitor Video Streaming

In the world of data consumption, video streaming is one of the biggest predators. It takes up most of your data and sometimes it’s for things you didn’t even sign up for! How many times have you visited a new website and a video has just popped up in your face? Several times, we bet! They use up your data and leave you with nothing. So the next time you visit a new website, make sure to turn the video feature off to save yourself.

You also use an intense amount of video data by watching your favorite shows on your favorite streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu. Although Viasat helps you optimize the video resolution settings on your videos, Netflix also helps you minimize data usage!

Watch out for Freeloaders!

Sometimes it’s not you. It’s thy neighbor! If your Wi-Fi password isn’t strong enough, you may be welcoming freeloaders like Sheldon and Leonard to your plan! Although on the show Leonard does end up marrying Penny; so what’s his technically becomes hers, but for you, it can be a real security threat! So upgrade your security systems to cut off the thieves and freeloaders!

Stay Clean, Kids!

An outdated operating system or worse, a virus infected PC can eat away your internet data. Furthermore, it’ll damage your files and personal data on the computer. So make sure your PC is always in good health and clean from malware, spyware and other malignant viruses! Invest in a proficient anti-virus program to save your data and your computer!

The Viasat community is always there to help you monitor and manage your data plans. That’s why Viasat is one of the leading Internet Service Providers in America. So, if you want to find out if it’s the best in your area, just enter your zip code on to our portal or call our customer representative today! 

By adopting these strategies, you can enhance your Viasat Internet experience, ensuring smoother performance and avoiding extra charges or throttled speeds. Manage your data proactively to enjoy uninterrupted online access.