
On The Download

The prime source for tech trends, breaking news, and home service provider reviews, On The Download provides quality content for consumers and influencers around the nation.

4 Things to Know about CBS

4 Things to Know about CBS

CBS is experiencing some amazing growth…and a couple of serious problem. There's good news, but will it be enough to outweigh the bad news?

Walmart V. Amazon: Is it Good for You?

Walmart V. Amazon: Is it Good for You?

Why would Walmart compete against Amazon? They’re both large companies that make a good profit, so why compete? And why would it be good for You?

3 Ways Theater Chains Can Combat Netflix

3 Ways Theater Chains Can Combat Netflix

Theaters have been steadily losing to streaming services. Now big movies are coming to streaming services. Here's three ways theaters they can compete.

5 Tech Must-Haves for Your College Dorm Room

5 Tech Must-Haves for Your College Dorm Room

Soon classes at your local college will start. Here are five tech must-haves for dorm living to get the most out of your college experience.

5 Ways to Check Facebook Campaigns

5 Ways to Check Facebook Campaigns

Facebook found and banned 32 pages linked to "inauthentic behavior." With fake news becoming more and more prevalent, how can we guard against it?

4 Great Things Coming to AMC Networks

4 Great Things Coming to AMC Networks

AMC Networks is going to be getting bigger, and better. Here's four great things coming to AMC Networks, and they all involve murder.

Is Facebook Losing Altitude?

Is Facebook Losing Altitude?

Facebook is having more tough times. Last week their stock dropped 19%, resulting in a net loss of $119 Billion. Is this the end for Facebook?

6 Factors to Picking the Right Headphones

6 Factors to Picking the Right Headphones

Listening to music, audiobooks, or podcast, you’re probably going to need a pair of headphones. Consider these six factors as you search for your next set.